Gay steampunk roleplay
Thread Topic: Gay steampunk roleplay
‘That’s because I like mac and cheese and outside is annoying. Your point?’
"Your best friend is a robot."
‘People suck.’
"Robots aren't much better."
‘Robots are way better.’
"They just tell you what you want to hear." Sebastian paused. "So not too different than humans, I suppose."
"But still! At least humans are able to surprise you. If a robot surprises you, you can just yank a couple wires."
‘Robots are predictable, and they won’t turn on you! With people you never know!’
"That's crazy talk. Robots can turn on you just as easily, the only reason they don't is because most of them don't realize it."
‘They’re programmed not to!’
(hey just a heads up i might not show up on pinterest for a while bc my parents are getting suspicious again and i was getting addicted again anyways soooo)
"It's so easy to reprogram them, and malfunctions happen anyways!" -
(Alg! Fair enough and hopefully we don’t get caught again lmao)
‘You can fix them! You can’t fix people!’ -
(hopefully- i think i'll be ok this time but idrk lmao)
"At least humans have empathy! Have you ever seen a robot with empathy? Or an optimistic robot?" -
(Ok good and fair enough)
‘Robots are honest. And they speak their mind, you don’t have to worry about what’s going on in their head,’ Vincent muttered, continuing with the wires.
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