Games you've been playing recently?
Thread Topic: Games you've been playing recently?
Hogwarts Legacy
Morbid The Seven Acolytes
SAO Alicization Lycoris -
Lies of P
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands -
Valkyria Chronicles 4
Dragon Quest Heroes
Atelier Sophie -
Nobunagas Ambition Taishi
Battle front 2
Hi! I've been playing Fall Guys 😭
I started playing tales of arise, I got back into Skyrim and I finished the invisible hour. My Wii is broken though so I've been banished to Xbox and my laptop. I started playing a game called no skin and it rocks. I got jump scared by the game dev.
Elden Ring
Romancing Saga 2 Revenge Of The Seven
genshin impact & wuthering waves
if you're into open world, fantasy and active combat, these are the games for you -
League of Legends 😎
rereading corpse factory
Cyberpunk 2077
Minecraft, Splatoon, among us...
anything that requires Nintendo online basically lol.
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