Gay steampunk roleplay
Thread Topic: Gay steampunk roleplay
Vincent eventually walked out of the room. He wore his usual button down shirt, tie and vest, with slacks and boots. He skipped down the stairs and down to the main room, humming a cheerful tune as he climbed up the ladder.
Sebastian looked very tense, playing with a bronze permanent bracelet he had on.
(Gtg, hopefully just for an hour) -
Vincent looked at Sebastian, his face immediately brightening. ‘Hello, Bas! Could you pass me a screwdriver?’ -
Sebastian pulled the screwdriver he threatened Albert with out of his pocket. "Here."
‘Thank you,’ Vincent said, taking the screw driver and opening a panel in Barbara. He began working on the wires and gears. ‘Have you seen Albert anywhere?’
"Uh no, I haven't. I kicked him out of my room last time I saw him." They weren't totally lying. He was trying to kick him out, after all. It just ended really badly.
‘Why was he in your room?’ Vincent asked, glancing at him for a moment, before focusing on Barbara.
"He was going through my stuff. I think he's paranoid."
‘Oh. That’s very unlike him,’ Vincent said, frowning at the screwdriver. ‘Did you do something to provoke him?’
Sebastian noted that. Maybe it would help his case if he wound up reprogramming Albert to go haywire and end up needing to be scrapped. "No clue, honestly. He doesn't like me anyway." He chuckled.
(I'm gonna go for the night. Ik it's early but I'm exhausted lol) -
(Fair enough lol, cya)
Vincent nodded. He was concerned, but figured it could wait. ‘If you’re sure.’ -
Sebastian nodded.
Vincent jumped down from the ladder and stood in the tube thing inside the machine, fixing the wires.
Sebastian examined what was happening.
Vincent grabbed unscrewed a panel and examined the cogs and wires inside.
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