We made a prequel because we're obsessed with Jester
Thread Topic: We made a prequel because we're obsessed with Jester
Richard nodded slightly. "I'm sorry about that." He sighed.
‘It’s fine,’ Caleb lied, walking to the door. ‘I’ll see you later.’
"See you later." Richard mumbled.
Caleb walked away, to his office. He tried to bury himself in his work.
Richard stood up, walking out of his room.
Caleb kept himself occupied.
Richard noticed his father in the halls. He frowned, walking up to him. "What did you say to Caleb?"
Caleb buried his face in his hands.
"Nothing." Viktor lied.
"Tell me what you said." Richard demanded. -
Caleb had a small cry because he's burnt out and depressed.
"I told you to distance yourself from him, didn't I?" Viktor snapped. Richard went silent, looking down.
Caleb sat in the corner of his office, face buried in his hands.
"I warned you ahead of time, and you didn't listen. I figured you knew what would happen, but clearly not."
Caleb sighed, curling up.
Richard stood there in defeated silence before walking off. He tried to find Caleb's office.
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