All the kaboinks in my mind
Thread Topic: All the kaboinks in my mind
I didn't even get to choose what I wanted
Like I didn't get to say goodbye to my friends. Now i have none with no way of getting to them. I mean the only one that's left will start yapping about religion. (Imma be honest I don't give a flying f---) If you're religious, go ahead but don't bother me with it. (That b---- litterally tried to convert me to christianism)
I feel lonely, lost, forgotten and my parents don't and won't give a duck
Because they are way too ocupated taking my brother's side against me.
I got arts 2day I'm happy
I just drained the parking lot cause the homeowner wouldn't
the needs 4 that were: 3 hours, 3 shovels, a metal detector, a neodium magnet, 2 hand pickaxes, a lot of wet clothes, patience. Also i got undone hw to give back tmrw.
Imma make a rigged quiz.
Half slept 4 9 hours
Gonna skip a swimming class cause appoitment. me be happy
Gonna skip a swimming class cause appoitment. me be happy
I should be complaining abt the post timer but i got a potato as a phone so it takes me a century to write a message
Curently vibing to "the wolf" by siames
A thing I learned by myself is to never expect anything good so it doesn't hit 2 hard. If it happens it happens and b happy abt dat
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