We made a prequel because we're obsessed with Jester
Thread Topic: We made a prequel because we're obsessed with Jester
‘Well, if I did have angel wings, I probably could-‘ The door slammed shut before he could finish. Caleb winced and sat down on his bed, hugging himself. He’d messed up.
Richard was waiting by the hall. Once his father left, he walked in. "What'd he say?"
Caleb looked up, shoulders slumping in relief. ‘To never touch you again and if I don’t stay away I’ll regret it.’
Richard sat next to him, and kissed his forehead. "Okay." He mumbled. He tried to stay calm, hoping that if he did, Caleb wouldn't panic much either.
Caleb leaned into his touch. ‘I’m sorry.’
"It's not your fault."
Caleb hugged him, burying his face in his shoulder.
Richard let him, leaning into him.
‘Are you okay?’
"Don't worry about me, darling."
‘You sure?’
Caleb sighed and nodded, burying his face in Richard’s shirt. ‘I think your father might be homophobic.’
Richard held him close. "Probably." He tried to keep calm for his boyfriend.
Caleb played with his hair. ‘I-I guess we’ll just have to be more secretive?’
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