Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayden shrugged. "Same goes for my family too. The only difference is that I'm not a pathetic little boy. I'm a king."
‘I’m third in line to the throne!’
"Maeves' closer to ruling this kingdom than you are. I don't think your family cares about you being royalty." He turned to Maeve. "No offense."
‘None taken.’
‘Your status doesn’t excuse your stupidity, Celeste.’ -
"You're the one trying to prove a point by saying you're third in line to the throne."
‘You’re still dumb.’
"Duh. The fact that you didn't know that until now is alarming."
Henry grumbled and started eating.
Jayden smirked.
Maeve giggled. Chester stole Jayden’s fruit.
Jayden let him, patting his head. He started eating.
Chester nuzzled into his touch.
‘You’re both disgusting,’ Henry muttered.
‘Your face is disgusting,’ Maeve said. -
Jayden offered Maeve a hi-five.
Maeve head butted his hand.
Jayden grinned.
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