Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Maeve grinned back.
‘You’re ridiculous.’
‘And you’re gay, suck it up.’ -
Jayden rolled his eyes, eating his food again. "Nothing wrong with being ridiculous.
Jayden grinned.
Maeve continued eating.
Jayden did too. He offered more food to Chester.
Chester ate the food.
Jayden finished his food too. "Do you want to go?"
Chester nodded his wittle bunny head.
Jayden chuckled, picking him up. He flipped Henry off before leaving.
Henry glared. Chester nestled into his arms. Maeve popped out of existence.
Jayden left and walked to Chesters' room.
Chester looked up at him.
Jayden grinned.
Chester morphed into a cat and bapped his cheek.
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