Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayden grinned.
Chester mewed
Jayden grinned, holding him close. "You're so cute."
Chester mewed again, trying to look extra cute so Jayden would keep giving him attention.
As if Jayden wasn't already spoiling him with attention. He grinned and snuggled him closer.
Chester snuggled close.
(Gtg for dinner so you should probably get some sleep unless you’re doing an all nighter, cya!)
(i'm not planning on it but knowing me I'll get pretty damn close so i'll probably still be on here)
Jayden grinned, patting his head. -
(Ok fair enough lol, have a good night if you aren’t)
Chester let him. -
Jayden held him close with a smile. -
(Omfg what time is it for you)
Chester mewed happily. -
(.... not important)
Jayden grinned, booping his nose gently. -
(Legolas get some sleep omg)
Chester sneezed. -
(sleep is for the dead)
Jayden giggled. -
Chester nibbled his finger.
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