Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayd held him close, and grabbed some fruit and offered it to Chester. Fun fact fruit and veggies to bunnies is like candy to a toddler.
Aww that’s so cute I love that. Chester nibbled the fruit.
yeaaah they get super hyper when they eat it lol. Jayden smiled, holding him up and kissing the top of his head on one of the white patches.
I love that so muuuuch. Chester let him, very happy about it.
Ikrrrrrr. Jayden held him close.
Chester nestled close.
Jayden chuckled.
Henry rolled his eyes.
Jayden looked up. "Your eyes are going to roll away if you keep doing that."
‘That’s not how eyes work.’
Jayden shrugged. "Worth a shot."
Henry rolled his eyes. ‘Can you tell Chester not to shapeshift at the dinner table?’
"It's his dinner table."
‘It’s disrespectful.’
"You're disrespectful."
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