Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayd grinned.
Chester nuzzled close. It was around lunchtime.
Jayden picked him up gently. "Ready to go to lunch?"
Chester nestled into his arms.
Jayden took that as a yes. "Alright, lets go."
Chester let him.
Jayd stood up and walked out of the room, still holding him.
Chester snuggled into his arms.
Jayden grinned, kissing the top of his head.
Chester nestled into him.
Jayden held him close, opening the door to the dining room.
Maeve was already there with Henry.
Jayden gave a small wave, sitting down. "Hey."
‘Hey,’ Maeve said. Chester settled in Jayden’s lap.
Henry watched Chester with a very weirded out look on his face. Jayden pretended he didn't see it.
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