Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayden smiled. "Hey."
Chester squeaked.
(I think guinea pigs squeak?) -
(yeah sure why not)
Jayden grinned. -
(Fr fr)
Chester nestled close. -
Jayden pat his head.
Chester let him.
Jayd smiled.
Chester fell asleep.
Jayden watched him. He closed his eyes and tried to get a bit of rest as well.
Chester morphed into a bunny in his sleep.
Jayden was still awake, and he opened his eyes when he noticed the change in weight, and realized he was a bunny. He started petting him because bunnies are really fluffy and soft.
Chester’s nose twitched, but he remained asleep.
Jayden just kept petting him, closing his eyes again.
Chester nestled closer.
Jayden held him close.
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