Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
(Ok, idk if I’ll be on tho)
Chester walked in, tugging Jayden along. -
Jayden chuckled, following and grabbing a handful of poppers.
Chester grabbed a few.
Jayden also grabbed a bag of firecrackers because he figured they'd be fun to have.
'What are those for?'
Jayden shrugged. "Just for fun."
'Okay,' Chester chuckled nervously. 'Is that all?'
Jayden nodded. "Unless you want something."
"Alright then." Jayden went to the man operating the register again and offered him more money.
Chester followed.
It worked, and Jayden got a little bag for all the confetti poppers.
Chester watched.
Jayden took his hand and started walking out.
Chester followed, smiling.
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