Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayd rolled his eyes. "I'm not mellowed out!"
‘You haven’t tried to shoot any apples on my head again, so I think that’s a win.’
Jayden shrugged. "You're more useful to me alive." He said with a smirk.
Chester blinked. ‘What are you, a villain mastermind?’
"Maybe. Maybe not."
‘Well then, what’s your evil plan, cutie?’ Chester chuckled.
"You'll see." Jayden pecked his lips.
‘Aw, why can’t you just tell me?’
"Because that's now how evil masterminds work!"
‘But I’m your beloved boyfriend, I deserve to know!’
"Well too bad! Let me keep my secrets!"
‘We agreed no more secrets, though!’
Jayden rolled his eyes, kissing Chesters' nose. "Relax, it's nothing."
Chester huffed. 'Fine, fine.' They got to the party store.
Jayden opened the door for him.
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