Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Chester laughed, letting him.
Jayden finished and dipped him with a smirk.
Chester blushed, grinning dorkily.
Jayden grinned, pulling him back up.
Chester laughed, picking him up bridal style.
Jayden blushed, grinning.
(I gtg, won't be back for a wHiLe) -
Chester kissed his forehead. ‘Where to?’
(Okiii) -
Jayden looked around. "Confetti store."
‘That’s a thing?’
"Not really, but party stores sell confetti, therefore they're a confetti store."
‘… Fair. But what do you need confetti for?’
"You'll see."
‘Right. That’s not ominous at all,’ Chester chuckled, setting him down.
Jayden pat his head. "Don't worry."
‘I’m not. I think I’ve mellowed you out enough,’ Chester said, kissing his cheek. ‘C’mon, the party store is this way.’
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