Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
(gtg probably not for long tho)
(oki alg)
Chester laughed, taking it. -
Jayden grinned, starting to walk again.
Chester swung their hands, following.
Jayden twirled him. He saw reporters start walking closer.
Chester laughed, kissing the side of his head.
Jayd leaned into his touch, ignoring the reporters.
Chester played with his air, arm slipping around his waist.
Jayden blushed, leaning into him.
Chester smiled, pulling him close.
Jayd let him with a grin.
Chester pecked his cheek.
Jayden blushed, smiling. He heard more cameras flash. "Want to use those confetti thingamabobs now?"
"Alright~" Jayden fired one of the poppers at a reporters camera.
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