Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
(A holiday where people from Europe moved to America and totally had a nice peaceful meal with the Native Americans and totally didn't commit genocide or anything shhhh- real the amount of holidays at the end of the year is just weird honestly (New Years is so stupid it doesn't make sense to me) Yeah, I might talk about it tomorrow bc I'm just too tired to message about it rn lol)
"Love, eat." Jayden looked up in concern. -
(Oh that’s lovely we love that totally- real like let’s scatter them around equally so we get more days off (I like it it it’s just when people ask me what my resolution is xD my resolution is to not die, Martha) fair enough lol, sounds good)
‘I’m not hungry.’ -
(Yeah it's really special- exactlyyyy (yeah I mean it's fun it's just the fact that the holiday is over like 5 minutes after that bugs me- omg real Martha stop getting in our business))
"Please eat." -
(Yeah totally- frrr (fair enough dude- fr Martha piss offf))
‘I don’t want to.’ -
(I love American history because everything we learn about it in class is a lie (*cough* Abraham Lincoln was a liar, not 'honest Abe')(Fr like Martha mind your own damn business))
"Chester." -
(Damn that’s crazy- no here my history teachers are like “f--- colonisers, f--- Britain, we’re all convicts” (that is not sigma) (reallll Martha is not slay))
‘That’s my name.’ -
(Phhht that's amazing- yeah the only teacher that's ever been kinda honest about American history is my teacher last year (I hate Abe Lincoln so much and everyone idolizes him because of a lie) (she's so not slay))
"I know. Can you please eat something?" -
(Yeah no that’s messed up land of freedom my ass (what was the lie-))
‘No thanks,’ Chester muttered, eyes on his hands. -
(IKR it's so silly and stupid (that he freed slaves because he cared about them. He freed them because otherwise France and England were going to join the Confederate State's side of the war))
Jayden took his hand gently. -
(Frrr (that is not sigma wtf abe))
Chester let him, not looking up. -
(we love history class- (yeaaaaah it's crazy))
Jayden sighed softly, eating his food with his free hand. -
Chester ran his pointer finger along Jayden’s fingertips.
Jayden let him, looking at him. He was trying not to act overly concerned... but he was.
Chester traced circles on the back of his hand with his thumb.
Jayd let him with a small smile.
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