Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
‘Yeah,’ Chester mumbled, fidgeting with his hands. ‘Maeve is mad at me for that, and Jayden is upset at me for not eating… I don’t know how to make it better.’
Oliver nodded in understanding. "Have you talked to them both about it?"
‘I-I talked about it with Maeve. I don’t know if she’s still mad.’
"It's a lot to process." Oliver shrugged.
Chester buried his face in his hands. ‘I’m a horrible boyfriend.’
Oliver put a hand on his shoulder. "Not really."
'I cheated on him twice. Do you want more proof?'
"You didn't consent though." Oliver frowned. "Right?"
'Of course, I'd never consent to something like that.'
"And he knows that, right?"
"Then just give him time." Oliver shrugged. "You're a fine boyfriend."
'It wasn't just that, though.'
"What else?"
'You remember that time I got drunk and yelled at him, right? After he told me not to get drunk?'
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