Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Chester blinked and mewled.
Jayden chuckled. "I wish I knew what you were saying." He complained, though he was smiling.
Chester licked Jayden’s nose because he couldn’t kiss him as a cat and that’s what cats do. He rolled beside Jayden and morphed back into a human. ‘I said I love you.’
Fair enough. Jayden grinned, turning to face him. "I love you too."
(I'm gonna go for the night, bye!) -
Chester kissed his forehead, wrapping his arms around him and pulling his close. ‘You’re so pretty.’
Jayd let him, snuggling into him. "Says you."
‘Oh, shush. Can I turn back into a cat now?’
Jayden nodded.
Chester morphed into a cat and crawled back on top of Jayden.
Jayd grinned, holding him close.
Chester purred softly.
Jayden pet his head gently.
Chester nuzzled against his hand.
Jayd closed his eyes after a bit, sighing softly.
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