Heart shaped box
Thread Topic: Heart shaped box
'That... That's horrible.'
"it's normal from him." Florence said. He mimicked a dog bark before laying down and chewing on chords again
'That just makes it worse,' Collins said quietly. She shuffled over and lay down next to him, staring up at the ceiling. 'I don't know why he hates you. You seem nice to me.'
"it's because I'm artificial." Florence said. The assistant researcher told him that many times.
'You still have emotions. And you can feel pain,' Collins said.
"that is not how the head researcher sees it. If I was not born than I cannot be human in his mind." Florence said. He chewed on the electrical wires and mimicked the wind
'You're not human,' Collins said, rolling onto her side so she could look at him. 'You're a one of a kind. I think that makes you more special than some kind of monster.'
Florence looked over with the eye on his chest. "even if I'm unique... the head researcher would kill me... for the crime of being able to speak back." Florence said. The creator had said that soon before the lab shut down
'I think it's pretty cool you can talk,' Collins said, resting her head on her arm. 'How many languages do you know? Or is it just English?'
"I could learn any language." Florence said. He remembered he'd tried to learn dog at one point but they took the dog away too quickly for him to actually learn. Florence yanked more of the chords out of the wall
'How long would it take?' Collins asked. 'It takes a long time for a human for a human to fluently speak and understand a new language. It's annoying of you want to go to a foreign country.'
"To speak it fully I'd need a year." Florence said. Focusing on vocal patterns was the easy part. Understanding was more difficult. It took more skill and patience from whoever was talking to him
Collins nodded, rolling back onto her back. She looked up at the ceiling, thinking hard.
Florence chewed on the wires. He mimicked the calls of birds that flew by.
Collins flicked on her torch and shone it around every now and then. She didn't know how many experiments there were roaming the hospital, and she didn't want any to sneak up on her.
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