``We are the freaks``
Thread Topic: ``We are the freaks``
"They were for a while." Eli said with a laugh. "Right after covid happened."
'Right. Must've fell behind on that one.'
"Not many people looked good in them anyway, you didn't miss much."
Callum chuckled. 'Good.'
"I think I got one for a while before realizing how dorky I looked." Eli laughed.
Callum chuckled. 'It's weird how good some people look and how dorky others look with the same hat.
"Some people are just born to look beautiful in bucket hats."
'It's true.'
Eli smiled. "And some people are born to wear rainbow hats." They said with a chuckle.
'Yeah,' Callum chuckled. 'I think you're one of them.'
"I better be!" Eli laughed.
Callum chuckled.
"And some people are born to have x-men powers."
'That's also true. Some people are born to have a devil cat.'
"And some people are born to.... Draw a hotdog thingy."
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