Warriors Rp
Thread Topic: Warriors Rp
Stormcloud picked the stick up effortlessly in between his jaws. "Like thiff?" He mumbled. Diamondheart nodded as a reply. "STOP!" She yowled as he took a step towards her. -
Frostbite still in InfernoClan))
He leaped in fright as she gave a stern yowl, before freezing in terror as he saw a specific, deadly reptile. An adder right at his paws. -
brb close callz))
Bluefly scented the air. "I smell a squirrel," she said after a moment. "Do you know how to catch those?"
"Yes," He replied. "But there's also the rabbit over there." He flicked his tail to behind a bush. -
"Well spotted," Bluefly said. "How about I get the squirrel and you get the rabbit?"
He cautiously peered down at it. With one swipe of the stick, it them flew the adder across the trees. "Wh-why didn't you warn me!" He demanded.
Diamondheart seemed to have a sly smirk on her face... But he couldn't really tell, due to the lighting. "Come on," She ignoref his question. -
"Sure!" He replied, feeling content for the first time in a while. He stalked it carefully, and pounced, landing spot-on it's brown fur. He took it back to Bluefly. "This thing is huge!"
Frostbite stretched, tired. She needed some company, at the least.
Mind if I show Frostbite's backstory, as well as Stormcloud and Frostbite together...? :D))
I'll read tomorrow I'm going to try and fall asleep. Gn Eclipse!))
Frostbite and Stormcloud when were kits:
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