Warriors Rp
Thread Topic: Warriors Rp
I can't see :'0))
Bluefly padded over to Drakestorm, a squirrel in her jaws. "You're right," she said. "That is big!" -
I'll find a different image, hang on..)) -
Is this better?)) -
Nu, I still can't see it :'(
Ok let's continue))
He looked at his catch, remembering the border skirmish over a similar rabbit. He shook the feeling away from him. "Want to head back?" Drakestorm asked Bluefly. -
Maybe I'll find some more herbs. She sighed, before padding through the entrance to the gorse tunnel with a determined look written on her face. "Frostbite!" She heard a loud voice behind her. Skidding to a halt, she turned to see Creamclaw behind her. "Yes, Creamclaw?" She replied, heaving.
Stormcloud growled lowly under his breath, before catching the scent of vole. "Wait! Stop!" He prompted. Diamondheart didn't stop, instead she continued to pad on. "Come on, Stormcloud. There's better prey over here." Trusting her, he trailed behind, still tempted to run towards the vole scent. -
"Sure," Bluefly said cheerfully. "So which do you prefer, rabbit or squirrel?"
Nightpelt had taken down a magpie (😨) and was bringing it home. She was very hungry, but she had to put her son before herself.
Treeslash returned from his patrol, padding over to Sightfall with the fat, juicy vole he had gotten for her. She purred and rubbed against him. -
"I like rabbit, but I caught this for my mother." Drakestorm said. They reached camp, and he spotted his mother. He dragged the rabbit over. "Look what I caught you!"
Nightpelt almost burst into tears. "For me?" she said. "Thank you, sweetheart. I got this one for you."
She nudged the magpie towards him as Bluefly ate her squirrel. -
Drakestorm looked at the magpie. "It's my favorite! Thank you, Mother!" He rubbed his cheek affectionately against her pelt. He sat down and began eating happily.
Nightpelt purred, going to eat the rabbit. Bluefly finished her squirrel and padded over to the tabby tom from earlier, chatting with him.
Drakestorm finished the magpie in a few moments. "So, who are the other cats that are friendly?" He asked, glancing hesitantly at Sightfall.
"There's a queen I know named Silversnow," Nightpelt said. "She's lovely. There's also a dark brown tabby tom that's rather fond of Bluefly, maybe you can befriend him now that you know her."
"Everyone seems to love Sightfall. But she'll never forgive me, will she?" He asked her.
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