Beauty In Anarchy
Thread Topic: Beauty In Anarchy
"I can tell you if you don't get the Hell off my house, you're gonna get a mother of fire, from my fiery!" Juliette said, poising her wooden spoon for a fight. She stepped in the way of the door to make sure there was no way past. "I want to see a warrant!" She also added.
He looked at her holding up the warrant Even though laws don't apply in anarchy. "Here it is Dam it! Now I'm gonna search or I will push you off to the side and let myself in!" He scowled focused only on getting through.
Juliette made a thinking pose. "Fine," she said, stepping aside. She had a somewhat crappy, quick thought up plan that had a 27 percent chance of working. Juliette put down her spoon to show her peace. -
The officer went inside and started searching "have You seen a girl who goes by the name Kira Valture. She is a criminal and we will pay a good amount of money to who ever turns her in." He asked pulling out a couple million dollars.
"No, if I did I certainly would have told you already," Juliette said, lying slickly as she edged somewhat closer to the bathroom. She could still hear the shower running. Not long before Kira's finished. Juliette was a little surprised when he said Kira was a criminal, she didn't seem that way to her. Either way, Juliette would support Kira everytime. "But I think I have a clue as to where she might be heading," Juliette said persuasively.
The lion's eye looked at her "you serious? tell me. We need to know any info we can get" he looked at her with a serious expression showing a slight bit of being too solemn his partners outside were not all that different either they were all even more focused on they're job than the Japanese.
"Well there's word going around she's heading to.." Juliette paused drastically and pretended she was catching her breath, "Cuba!" She said at last , the first and most random thing she could think of. "Because no one would expect to find her there!" She also added as the excuse to such a random answer. Still, it didn't look like he suspected a thing so far.
the officer showed an expression of anger at her "Are you serious?!" He groaned then left but before doing so thanked her.
After Kira was done getting dressed she walked out and smiled "how do look Juliette" she asked not even aware of her beauty. -
Juliette smiled as if an agent from FBI didn't just walk through her home looking for the girl standing in front of her at this moment. "Great! In my clothes I guess you could even pass for sexy," Juliette said. "I'm almost done making the food," Juliette also said, remembering the food. She hoped the spaghetti wasn't too burnt.. she'll just probably give Kira the good top side and she'll eat the burnt bottom. Juliette went into the kitchen, spoon at the ready.
Kira blushed a bit at the comment. She started liking this girl more and more She was developing a feeling not only of Calmness but a feeling she herself has never developed for other people other than her parents and brothers But she couldn't quite say the word. Though it was obvious it was a state of some sort of attraction to this upbeat girl.
Juliette was smiling as she stirred up the spaghetti, which fortunately turned out not to be so burnt. Both of her hands were full as she got the plates but her phone then decided to ring at that moment. "Could you hand me that?" Juliette asked with a frown. She didn't have many people who'd call her and she was wondering who it could be. If it was anyone she knew, they should know she didn't like being bothered during dinner.
Kira nodded and grabbed the phone. She decided to wait until Juliette finished and had room to answer the call. When she did she gave her the phone then she went back to pondering about the feelings she was having for Juliette.
Juliette sat the plates down and wiped her greasy hands on an apron before getting the phone. "Hello?" She asked suspiciously. "Juliette! It's me!" The phone answered in a woman's voice on speaker. Juliette hurried and walked into the hallway and turned the phone off speaker before starting a whispered conversation. "I have company!" She seethed into the phone. "And I have none! Come over heeeeeree!" The phone answered back. "I told you never to call again!" Juliette said, raising her voice by accident and then lowering it again.
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