Beauty In Anarchy
Thread Topic: Beauty In Anarchy
KweenKitKat Newbie"Hello!" She squeaked at every passerby. A few looked at her with pity, some with wonder, some with astonishment. Some with jealousy. She stared at the people looking at her in pity, "Does my breath stink?" She asked them with wide, innocent eyes. They darted away quickly, minding their own business. Juliette whistled happily before playing with a flower growing near some mold on the edge of the fountain ledge. "Something feels different today," she said to herself, but didn't question it. Everyday was different from the last.
Kira kept running and cut around a block loosing the feds but then she tripped over a dead hobo and hit her head on the sidewalk not too far from the clueless girl "ow! s---!" she said in response to her injury.
Juliette turned in reaction if the cursing. She walked up to the girl. "Hey, lady, that's profanity!" She said as she bent over to help her up.
Kira got up and wiped herself off including her dirty but pretty face "yeah well, I was running from somebody and you seem like you have no Idea what has happened over the past couple days" she said looking behind her as if she was looking for a place to hide.
"Running is good exercise," Juliette said distractedly. "Oh I know what happened! Everyone started dressing in red and singing beautiful songs," said Juliette with a smile. "It must be a new holiday!" Juliette started leading Kira to her house. "Come on. I won't let the bad people get you," She said. She atleast knew people were meaner than normal and so she called them the 'bad people'.
Kira missed people with a positive attitude. Better yet she missed herself being the one with a cheerful attitude. This girl was very polite and optimistic, Kira respected that. If the gang of people didn't
murder her parents the chaos that was in the atmosphere wouldn't be there. "Thank you." Kira said with a smile "You must be blessed." she said in jealousy. -
Juliette gave her a funny look. "Blessed?" She said, waving it off, "If anything I consider myself .. myself," she said with a laugh. She had led them to her door by now. There were shots heard behind them and some other screaming people, but Juliette shrugged it off as she took the key and hummed a soft song as she unlocked it, like any normal day.
Kira saw the unity gang and Shooting the innocent and frowned a little "oh, not again." She mumbled in disgust as she threw knives into their heads "Filthy magots" she mumbled in a bit of anger.
Juliette glanced back and saw how the blood was spilling out their faces in a crimson tide of red and mushy white blood covered eye parts mixing into the solution with pink peices of breaking brain spilling out as well (too detailed? 😂) "Magots are actually very clean creatures. They cleanse themselves by shedding skin," Juliette said as she opened the door successfully with a wide, innocent smile.
(Just a little XD)
Kira Walks in with a slight smile admiring the pleasant aroma of purity which was different from the scent of chaos such as blood.
"again thank you, mam, you don't know how long it has been since I have had a place to stay. I don't know how I can repay you," she says. -
Juliette closed the door behind her. "Oh no thanks, ma'am, repaying is overrated. If the world revolved around money, we'd all be insane!" She laughed and went into the kitchen to make some tea. "Oh, and I'm Juliette," she mentioned, like she just realized she had let in a stranger.
Kira looked at her with a look like she thought she was going to judge her if she gave her name out to a general stranger but then she thought after all she was just let in the clueless girl's house."I'm umm Kira" she said. The only way she wouldn't know who Kira was is if she did not watch the news or what was left of the news.
"That's a nice name. Sometimes I wished my name were more exciting like Nichole or something," Juliette said almost obviously clueless. She didn't like going on the news much, it was always bringing up negative things! Kittens were much more positive. Juliette went away from bad things like an opposite attraction of a magnet. "Want some tea?" She asked.
Kira look at her she was actually quite confused. This girl was overly positive quite confusing too she thought nobody else existed like that in the United States or better yet the torn down States. "Oh, do you have unsweetened?" She said trying to make the conversation go on and hide her thoughts.
Juliette nodded and started on making it. Kira was different from other people, but she couldn't put her finger on it. She seemed so confident and yet she seemed baffled to meet someone like Juliette. That happened a lot with people she meets for the first time and yet it felt like the thing she was missing out on was bigger. But she wouldn't hear any of it because what she was missing out on was usually really negative.
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