Beauty In Anarchy
Thread Topic: Beauty In Anarchy
ill make the plot when i get someone in.
Do I count? I mean I think I rped with you once or twice maybe..
I don't think we've rped....
may I? -
sure I mean its been a while since then. so yeah.
actualy let me think
which of you would be more active?
tch.... I might have a changing schedule, but a lot of the time i'm at school or away from a computer... so if your looking for constant updates I MAY not be your girl.
Kat what about you?
I don't have my phone on and may only reply on weekends. Definitely not your girl! Satisfying when here and guaranteed to make your day maybe, but definitely not this 'active' you speak of.
I think Ill go with Kat
Woah, really? I'm so flattered! *Sarcastically traces hand down face* tear. Not being rude it's a joke my friends and I do.
So, what's the plot? -
C1 Was a slight psychopath When it came to the death of some loved ones so she eradicated the entire presidential line meaning nobody was able to take office. As the entire country's government became non-existent. not too long after that C1 met a girl who was a bit clueless of the situation but shown around the once known as America the great but now america the not so great but they later Fall in love.
I call C1) -
I'm here but my phone going dead. See you next week ✌
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