KweenKitKat's Profile


Joined on Nov 25, 2016
Status Level: Newbie

Level-up Progress:
8-Year Club
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KweenKitKat's Quizzes

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KweenKitKat's Recent Posts

  • T.T.O.E.
    "Name:Spectra Noodles Age:17 Looks:[url=[no urls]]Like this[/url] Pale eyes, almost white. White hair. Shiny white hair wit"
  • T.T.O.E.
    "Wait! Wait! I have to make a character :o"
  • Kitkat's Art Thread
    "Those are my latest. I've been trying to draw realistically but I think ima take two steps forward and one step back and go with cartoonish ..."
  • T.T.O.E.
    "Can I be electricity?"
  • Fantastasia Academy
    "Rose introduced Scar to Darcy. "But I guess you already met her when I first came in the dorm. She's the best. We'll probably have to have a..."
  • Kitkat's Art Thread
    "Thank you :D"
  • katqueen45
    "Kali went into the car. "I'm seriously wanna meet your dad," she muttered to herself before buckling up. She started recording on her phone...."
  • Wolves
    "I'm only 13 and I made an art thread. Heh. Only got three pictures in there so far. We're getting off subject) Solar didn't int"
  • Fantastasia Academy
    "No, not yet. After lunch.)"
  • Wolves
    "Solar trotted off to munch on some berries when she spotted a white and purple wolf. She was alarmed but stayed hidden to see where she was ..."
  • Wolves
    ""Hello to you too, Random Wolf," Solar said to Luna, then she laughed. Everything in the world was just so funny once you smile at everythin..."
  • Wolves
    "Solar crept up behind Eclipse and Luna and started teasing them. "Ship! Ship! Ship!" She sang just to annoy them."
  • Hello World :D
    "Hey dark shadow :D you don't have to be a potato. You can be a banana or a chicken I like 2. I was probably gonna choose it an"
  • Hello World :D
    "How are you guys doing?"
  • Wolves
    "Solar yawned sleepily after a while. She was tired after a few hours of nonstop dancing. She was disappointed she couldn't beat her record, ..."

KweenKitKat's Recent Quiz Comments
