KweenKitKat's Profile
Joined on Nov 25, 2016
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
8-Year Club
KweenKitKat's Quizzes
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KweenKitKat's Recent Posts
"Name:Spectra Noodles Age:17 Looks:[url=[no urls]]Like this[/url] Pale eyes, almost white. White hair. Shiny white hair wit"
"Wait! Wait! I have to make a character :o"
"Those are my latest. I've been trying to draw realistically but I think ima take two steps forward and one step back and go with cartoonish ..."
"Can I be electricity?"
"Rose introduced Scar to Darcy. "But I guess you already met her when I first came in the dorm. She's the best. We'll probably have to have a..."
"Thank you :D"
"Kali went into the car. "I'm seriously wanna meet your dad," she muttered to herself before buckling up. She started recording on her phone...."
"I'm only 13 and I made an art thread. Heh. Only got three pictures in there so far. We're getting off subject) Solar didn't int"
"No, not yet. After lunch.)"
"Solar trotted off to munch on some berries when she spotted a white and purple wolf. She was alarmed but stayed hidden to see where she was ..."
""Hello to you too, Random Wolf," Solar said to Luna, then she laughed. Everything in the world was just so funny once you smile at everythin..."
"Solar crept up behind Eclipse and Luna and started teasing them. "Ship! Ship! Ship!" She sang just to annoy them."
"Hey dark shadow :D you don't have to be a potato. You can be a banana or a chicken I like 2. I was probably gonna choose it an"
"How are you guys doing?"
"Solar yawned sleepily after a while. She was tired after a few hours of nonstop dancing. She was disappointed she couldn't beat her record, ..."
KweenKitKat's Recent Quiz Comments
"Your Result: Akira 79%
Akira means "bright" or "clear." This means that you have a very open mind, and you are usually very…"