soap anybpdy?
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:34pm
Thread Topic: soap anybpdy?
"Okay." She got out a thawed salmon and two steaks from the back of the room. Naturally, the coldest part. Angelica knew the quality would most likely be poor as they were sitting out most of the day. However, she had ensured the heat wouldn't hit them too much and spoil them, so that was a plus. She started with the salmon, stabbing it with a stick and beginning to roast it over the fire. Flipping her hair, she managed to keep it from burning. She would have to focus to ensure it wouldn't burn at all, though.
Was in a car. I hate typing in a car to these.)
Osias saw her come over and stepped back a bit from the fire as he watched her start. He hoped the fire was good enough for the food and that the food wound turn out good in the end, hopefully helping his cause. He had shown, a bit, that he would listen to them and would work. Hopefully, this would help him warm a few points to his stay. He held his hands on his head as he watched closely at the food cooking, and the smells coming from it. -
"So, let me get this straight." Angelica stated, staring into the flames. The heat licked her body, but luckily the smoke wasn't blowing towards her. A fire's heat might be searing and unforgiving, but this fire wasn't big enough to bother her. The red flames licked the salmon, cooking it slowly. "You actually want to stay here?" She questioned, not wavering her eyes from the food she was making. -
Osias stared to the girl as he thought for what he wanted really. "Yes, I do want to stay. Really." he responded placing his hands to his sides and smiling a bit as he stared to the flames. "Anything to get away." he said which wastrue, he would do anything. The hear from the flames 23rd hot but not much, didn't bother him. "I'll do anything to stay, anything." he said before going silent again.
"That's interesting." Angelica mused, looking up to the ceiling. "Winter's coming." She murmured. "I'm sure you know this, but it won't be easy during the winter. I hope to move to a warmer area soon. We should leave in two days or so. We need to get there soon, and it will take a long time. We travel on foot." The previous winters had been spent in bitter, cold, unforgiving places. She couldn't have them go through it again. Never again.
"How so?" Osias questioned stepping a bit to the fire and staring down to it. "That's a good idea, a warmer area is good. Hopefully can get there them." He said as he thought about it. He knew this was going to be tough especially with winter coming, and the cold weather. "I'll do my best to help, any way I can." he said nodding his head a bit as he waited.
"Good." Angelica said, warmly. She pursed her lips, turning the fish over. She loved the flavor of fish over a fire. There was something so authentic about it. The life she lived was hard, but she loved it no less. When she turned eighteen she could get a job, get her highschool diploma, and be her sibling's legal guardian. Then her life would be easy. But for now, her life was a rollercoaster ride. And she loved every single second of it.
"Yeah, think so." Osias said as he paced around a bit. He was a bit anxious for the food but sound hold out for a while, he was hungry but he was hungry alot just wouldn't say it. He knew to Try hard and focused his attention to the future. He hoped it would work and that this would not kill him with winter coming soon. "I can do this."He said in his head over and over again.
Soon, the fish was ready, and Angelica stacked it onto a plate. She smiled, it smelled great. Hopefully it would taste as well as it smelled. Angelo yelled down from the second floor, impatient, "Angie! Is the food almost ready?!"
"Yeah, bring the kids down!" She yelled back, beginning to roast the beef. -
Osias was consumed a bit by the smell of the food and aiggrd a butt at the scent. "Ahh..." he said silently as he thought about the taste of the food. He was ready to eat, he was ready. He licked his lips a bit as he stared at the food cooking on the fire and thought about it. "Looks good."He said silently to himself.
"The youngest eat first here." Angelica informed him, "It's just fair, ya know? So don't get to excited for food." She advised, looking up to the staircase to see her angry-looking brother walking down the stairs. Angelica rolled her eyes, looking into the flames of the beef she was roasting. She could tell he was impatient, so the best thing to do was ignore him.
This is getting me hungry)
Osias nodded his head in understatement. "I understand, let them go first when finished. I'll him back." He said as he watched the flames. He was a bit not good with them going first but he understood why and went with it. He knew they were a bit more important ,in a way, and needed it more than he did. He had just eaten the night before Any way. -
lol not me im a vegeterian
Soon, it was time to flip the beef. After about twenty minutes both slabs of meat were done, and it was time for dinner. "Alright, lets eat." She smiled, the aroma of the meat filling her nostrils. She began to serve the siblings, starting with Kane. She would give Avery formula later. -
Yeah. I only eat a few meats though, not many, depends on what it is)
Osias walked over to where the others were and observed as she gave the young the food. He smiled as he watched them get it and held his hands together behind his back as he stood there. The aroma of the meat seemed strong to him, but he fought back a urge to just take some away and waited to be served, of he was served that is. -
Soon, Angelica had served everyone, offering salad to everyone as well. Cedric, Angelo and herself took some, but Kane didn't seem too keen on the idea of vegetables. The space was silent as they began to gobble down their food. Angelica quickly downed hers, the day had tired her out quite a bit. She realized how many illegal acts she was committing, and silently prayed she wouldn't be caught. She knew it was wrong, but she had to survive.
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