soap anybpdy?
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:34pm
Thread Topic: soap anybpdy?
"Money does in fact get food, unless it is stolen, of course. You got a point there, so I am to aid you with this? Of I do, is my safety guaranteed? I will do my best though." he said to her as they went along the way walking. He was willing to do anything to get away from home even if it risked his life.
"I can't guarantee your safety, I live a dangerous life, my friend." She stated, as they came to the doors of the warehouse. "Angelo is unpredict-" Angelica opened the door to see a dark tanned boy with dark hair, with bright blue eyes staring back at them. His arms were crossed, in seemingly frustration. "Hello, Angel-"
"Who's he?" Angelo questioned.
"Erm- it's kind of hard to explain.." Angelica could feel Angelo's rage. He let them in, sitting down in the middle of the base floor of the warehouse.
~Five minute time skip~
"..So he's like an extra helping hand." Angelica explained.
"This isn't safe." He said, grumpily. "We can't afford another mouth to feed- and if the cops find out-"
"I know it's not safe, but it could be helpful. Plus, our life was never safe." She convinced. -
Osais stood in the warehouse looking around as he slowly stepped forward and backwards as he listened to them speak to each other. He decided to keep silent for the time being until spoken to, hoping it would help him get to stay with them there. He studies the place a bit seeing how it was built and looked through his eyes as he loatned.
Angelo sighed, "How do you say your name, boy?" He questioned, looking over to the boy beside his sister, scanning him. Meanwhile, Angelica sighed, wondering why Angelo was so skeptical on her decision. Sure, she was the leader, but everything had to be passed by Angelo. It was their way of governing themselves, making sure they all got along, survived. Each child was a survival expert- each with their own virtues. Angelica- she was the clever, intelligent one. She was analytic and was wonderful at making the correct strategical move. Angelo- He was the brute. He knew how to find food, how to make sure everything went the correct way. Cedric- he was the sensitive one. He felt emotions like no other. He made sure that no one was irrational just because of their need for survival. Kane was hardly five, but was very observant. He was great at gathering food, at finding needed supplies.
Osias turned towards Angelo as he asked the question to him. "It is said as Osias, Oh-Sy-Ahs, is how I say it."he responded in a calm voice hoping to make a good first impression because he always heard first impressions are mighty important in public, exspecially when making allows and enemies. 'Lets see how this turns out.' he said to himself in his head as he stared him in the eyes knowing it was proper to do so at times to help and show you know and understand things, at times along with other things.
"Well, Osias. What are you useful for? Why should you stay here?" Angelo questioned. Angelica sighed, receiving a dirty glare from her younger sibling for doing so. 'His birthday is coming up.. That'll only make him more arrogant and bossy.' She thought to herself. Angelica loved Angelo, no doubt, but he thought because he was the oldest boy he held the power. It amused her, mostly, though, so she didn't mind.
"What am I use ful for and why I should stay? Well, for one, I am not afraid to take chances to survive, and I do my best. Ice practically been living alone all this time, working and getting things for myself. I am responsible for what it matters and I know places to go to get some things." Osias responded to him as he closed his eyes for a few before reopening and looking him in the eyes. "I am one to do what it takes, as well, to make it." he added on to it.
"Now, work is helpful. Mrs. Angelica here thinks she can just not work and do nothing. You seem okay. You can stay for a week, if you help, you can stay longer." Angelo stated. Angelica flashed him a dirty look, "I am the only one who's willing to take risks here!" She snapped.
"Angelica, I understand that you-"
"Take care of four little siblings who can hardly pull their own weight! What do you do, Mr. Tough!" Angelica yelled.
"I make sure you don't screw us all, Angie. I'm your executive, you know that." Angelo stated. -
"Good to know I can be here for a week, I plan on making it more now then." Osias said as he sat done a bit and listened to the two of them. 'Seems I got entertainment here.' he said in his head as he chuckled a bit turning from one to the other as they went on about it. He was going to try his best to get them to let him stay there longer than a week and would be willing to do anything to make sure.
Angelica rolled her eyes, turning away from her kid brother. "Cmon, boy, I'll give you a tour of the place." She stated, not waiting for him. She started up the stairs of the three floored warehouse. The stairs were rickety and old, and the building was full of rust, but it was rare any human life visited the warehouse they called home. "This place got three floors. The first floor is mainly used for nighttime lounging- it's too open to stay there during the day." She explained, cocking her head.
Osias saw the girl get up and tell him to for the your, so he stood to his feet as she took off ahead of him. He sped up as he went up the stairs behind her to catch up to her as he was given the tour. "Understood, I'll note that in case, makes sense." he said as he let his eyes wander around the warehouse and got his bearings of the building better. "Hope I can get used to this." he said to himself quietly as he followed her around.
"The second floor is for anyone eleven years and up. This is in case of invasion, so the oldest may fight. Also where we store our food, water, and weapons. As well as clothing and a backpack." Angelica noted. "You will get three pairs of clothes, a backpack, and enough food and water for the day." She stated. "It's quite military-style around here. I love it." The pink haired girl grinned. Despite their situation, she loved living so roughly. There was something about it that was so attractive to Angelica.
Ever be just walking in a dark room and run right into the wall with every turn you make? Just happened here. Also, good to see you again.)
Osias listened carefully to the girl as she spoke about the floors and building, making sure he got as much as he could. "I'll try to remember that, and I can manage that style of living." he said smiling a bit. He would take any type of living as long as it got him away from his former home for the time, even love on the streets. He did not like it as much as he liked being alone. He followed her and observed the floors, taking notes in his mind on what he saw and heard. -
..No. And thanks)
Angelica moved up to the third floor, where a five year old and infant were sleeping. "If you haven't figured it out already, the third floor is where the younger ones sleep. You will guard them no matter what. If you hurt them.." Her eyes glared, Angelica turned to him. "You don't know what will come to you." The aggression faded from her eyes, "Also, this is the place where we store maps and such, and discuss where we might move to next. You will become quite nomadic, Osias, can you handle that?" She upraised a brow. -
It is fun when it happens, the pain. Haha, fun. Welcome, miss.)
Osias looked to her as she spoke about the young. "Do not worry, I'll protect them with my life."he said placing a fist over his chest. "And I will not harm them." he looked around as he lowered his arm back to his side, folowing her closely and listening. "Understood. I think I can handle that if I it is needed, I adjust." he said with confidence trying to help his ability to stay in the warehouse better.
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