soap anybpdy?
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:34pm
Thread Topic: soap anybpdy?
"Alright. Like I said, we like to have a creative structure here, on our ranks and jobs." Angelica explained, "It's more fun that way, and it flows well. Obviously, I'm the leader, and Angelo is my secretary. My partner in crime, really. It's like a pyramid. And since you're new and weird, you're at the bottom." She told him. "Be prepared to face some grueling jobs." She warned, grinning. "Angelo won't trust you, either. He's not used to males my age threatening his existence. You'll be okay, though." She promised.
"Understood, I'll give it my best and warm my keep here." Osias said confidently to her. "So, I'll be doing what ever you tell me to do while I am here?" he asked want ing to make sure a bit better on how it went. "I will take on any task you give me, any to stay. I don't need to warm his trust, but I will show him I am able to work, and do good for the place." he grinned as he said ,standing straight up with determination in his eyes, burning like a fuel fire.
Angelica smiled, "Yeah, but I'm sure Angelo has a job in mind for you." She walked past him to the sleeping kids, kissing each one on the cheek before walking back out. "Follow me to the second floor, Osias." The blue eyes girl said, walking down. Sleeping bags littered the floors, and a draft cooled the room, making it bitterly cold. 'Great,' She thought, 'So winter's coming.' "Here's a sleeping bag." Angelica handed him a lime colored sleeping bag and a black backpack. "And here is a backpack."
Osias nodded his head "okay then. Wonder what it is." he said. Looking to her and following her back down to the second floor of the warehouse. "Feels great." he said as he felt a bit of cold air come by him, he liked to be a bit cold but not really too cold. "Okay miss. Thank you." he said as he reached out and grabbed the bag and backpack from her. "Where am I to be sleeping in here so I'll know where to set up around later?" he asked her
"Anywhere, really. My bag is the black one, and Angelo's is the dark green one. The kids all have deep red bags." She imformed him. Angelo's and Angelica's bags were at the front of the room, and the kids in the back, leaving a wide space open for walking and other bags. 'I wonder if I will expand our group. It might be nice to expand on the group, after all.' She thought to herself. Angelica doubted Angelo would agree to it, but Angelica wanted to help other people, not just her family and friends. She had high hopes and dreams.
"Okay then," Osias said looking around at the other sleeping bags and the empty spaces, thinking about which spot would be best for him and he would be most comfortable at. "I'll just put it here for now, of that suits you." he said walking over towards the front but going to the side wall, placing it down for later use of him. " this spot seems promising, good view, open area and such." he said in his head to himself smiling as he stood back up and turned to the girl again.
Angelica nodded, "Alright. I'm going to go eat now before I take Cedric and Kane for a walk. I'm going to teach them edibles. You can watch the newborn and take care of her. If she cries, get Angelo." She ordered, grabbing a sandwich and walking down to the first floor, but remaining in the shadows. She wolfed it down before running up the stairs. "Kane, Cedric! I know you're awake." They giggled, sitting up. "Lets go for a walk, you two."
Osias nodded his head to her "Understood, as you say, I shall do. I'll watch over her." he said as he started to lay open the bag to see how it looked laying flat on the ground. After that, he decided to head towards where the newborn was at so he could watch over her for the time being. "Nothing will happen, I know what to do now." he said as he took a seat on the floor ,leaning against the wall as he looked around the room smiling.
Angelica pulled young Kane by the hand, and he toddled after her. "I'm going to teach you guys something fun today." Cedric looked at her skeptically, the eleven year old didn't seem to find much ease in "learning." "What is it?" He questioned, upraising a brow.
"I'm teaching you edible plants and herbs, as well as healing herbs." Angelica informed the frowning boy.
"You said it would be fun. That's NOT fun." Cedric argued.
"Yes, it is. If you're willing to learn. Plus it's needed, we don't have much money for food- we don't have ANY money for food. Understood?" The pink haired girl questioned, tilting her head as they walked out of the warehouse. Cedric nodded. -
Osias leaned on the wall observing the room and floor he was in and on as he kept an eye on the newborn as he was told to do by the girl. He kept turning his head from one side to the other every moment and again, watching to see of anything was there. This was better than what he would normally be doing at home it seemed to him, so he was fine with doing it no matter what. Especially if it helped him remain in the warehouse longer.
-Time Skip-
Angelica and the kids came back from their walk, Kane was asleep in her arms. "On the walk back he got really tired, almost fainted," She reported to Angelo, "I think he may be coming down with something."
"That won't be good." Angelo responded, darkly. His facial expression dimmed as he looked to his sister. Angelica carried Kane up to the nursery upstairs, looking to see Osias sitting on the wall. "She give you any trouble?" The girl questioned, hoping that the answer would be no. -
Osias stood up to his feet as she walked in and he turned to face her. "No, no trouble at all. She kept quiet for the time and slept good. " he said as he turned to face the child in front of him and smiled. "It was peaceful, I think, up here." he added on as he stepped back to the wall. He liked the peace because he rarely really had any when he was at the house with his father.
"That's good. Don't get used to it though." She tucked Kane into a sleeping bag. "It will be pure havoc from time to time." Angelica explain, putting a hand through her bright hair. She blinked a little, maintaining eye contact with Osias, a small smirk playing on her lips. The aggressive Angelica loved havoc and chaos sometimes, it just felt so right. Her life was based on havoc, and she loved every second of it. "We're runaways. Not from our parents, but from the cops, school, foster care. We cannot be split up, we will not be put into foster care. When I turn eighteen, I turn into their legal guardian. Then we can stop running."
Do you listen to STP?)
"Yeah, I thought it would be like that at times anyway." Osias said looking at her I on the eyes. "I think if it ever for like that though, I could handle it. I would try atleast." he said grinning a bit as he placed his hands relaxingly on the back of his head. "I see. Seems you have alot to keep from and live up to here." he said walking around a bit. He was thinking about what it would have been like of he would have been found and brought there earlier than he had just now so he could have left earlier. -
No actually haha)
"You'll be a runaway, though. The press and police will be watching you. After about a year, they'll all go away. Believe me." Angelica stated, resting her hands on her hips. She pursed her lips, kind of sad that she wasn't being looked for anymore. It was like no one cared about Angelica Ramone- wait, no one cared about Angelica Ramone. It wasn't LIKE no one cared about her, it was a fact no one cared about her. And in a way, she had learned to except that.
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