Saratheamaze's Profile

Joined on Dec 31, 2013
Status Level: Senior
Saratheamaze's Quizzes
- Shout Outs! cx[published: Nov 28, 2015, 4 comments]
This part is unimportant. I'm just shouting out to the people that matter to me. You might be here, you might……
- Would I Date You?[published: Jul 26, 2015, 3 comments]
Hey I just wanted to make a really mainstream quiz that people might take. I mean, idrk if people take these……
- How much do you know about me?[published: Jul 25, 2015, 1 comment]
A lot of people have crossed my path in the past, and I have met a lot of people. A lot of……
- My Chemical Romance Lyrics Quiz![published: Jul 03, 2015, 4 comments]
My Chemical Romance is a band based out of New Jersey. They are two years broken up now, but……
- How much do you know me 4?[published: Jun 07, 2015]
There are quite a few people that know me. Not many people I'm close to, though. How close is close……
- What is your fortune?[published: Jun 06, 2015, 1 comment]
This quiz is like a fortune cookie. It is pretty random. Try to answer with whatever first comes to your……
- How much do you know me 3?[published: Jul 23, 2014]
Many people may think they know me. Buy few are actually right about that assumption. This quiz……
- What is my nickname for you?[published: Jul 23, 2014, 8 comments]
Many people have nicknames. I have four nicknames I dreamt out of my mind to give to you. In this……
- How much do you know about me 2?[published: Jul 14, 2014]
Many people think they might know me. But do they? Only time will tell. This quiz will show……
- Which Fire Related Power Do You Wield?[published: Jun 23, 2014, 1 comment]
Everyone can develop a fire power. It just takes time. Now, if you were to develop……
- What post-hardcore song are you?[published: Jun 21, 2014, 4 comments]
There are many post-hardcore songs and bands. Two very famous bands are Pierce The Veil and……
- Would I party with chu?[published: Jun 11, 2014]
Some people desire to party with me. This can be dangerous, but also fun as f---. Now, if you wanna……
- How much do you know about me?[published: Jun 03, 2014]
A lot of people think they "know me." But, guess what, they're usually wrong. So here's the……
- For depressed people..[published: Jun 03, 2014, 2 comments]
You might be depressed, so go ahead and take this quiz to receive this advice, and a little bit of……
- Are you me, or are you some other random person?[published: Jun 02, 2014, 4 comments]
I just really made this quiz to level up, but you can take this anyways. I hope……
- The Around the World Animal Safari Quiz![published: May 18, 2014]
This is the Safari Quiz, one of hopefully many. At the end, you will have a result. ……
- Which one of my creepypasta characters are you?[published: May 17, 2014, 6 comments]
You have heard of a few creepypastas, I bet. But you likely haven't heard of……
- Which warrior cat are you? (Girls)[published: May 11, 2014, 1 comment]
Hello, apprentice. It is your time to see your future, or even know your past. Listen, you……
- Are you my long lost twin?[published: May 07, 2014, 5 comments]
Twins can be identical, or fraternal. But we aren't talking about those types of twins! The Angel……
- Anyone wanna Harry Potter roleplay with me on Howrse?[published: Mar 04, 2014, 3 comments]
I'm AquaMoon's Dream on Howrse. So, no matter the case, go ahead and……
- Anyone wanna roleplay with me on howrse?[published: Jan 18, 2014]
So you want to roleplay with me on howrse? Cool. That'll be interesting. Just take is……
- For my friend, please. Sorry[published: Jan 09, 2014]
Trust is earned But once violated It's difficult to regain When do you trust? Who do you……
- How good is your poker face?[published: Jan 05, 2014]
We all have our own poker faces. They aide us in- guess what? Poker. The lovely game of gambling.……
- What will your best friend's death be like?[published: Jan 05, 2014, 3 comments]
I am sorry if this is going to be offensive to you. I hope you know that I can't……
- Who is your magical self?[published: Jan 02, 2014, 7 comments]
Everyone has a secret magical self inside. You just have to dig it out. It may be hidden, but it's……
- What type of princess are you?[published: Jan 01, 2014, 13 comments]
There is a princess in every single one of us. It isn't all glitz and glamour, sometimes it's……
- How much do you scare me?[published: Dec 31, 2013, 7 comments]
Have you got the talent to scare the unscarable? I doubt it. Most people will fail, except a select……
- Old Avril Lavigne or New? Which are you?[published: Dec 31, 2013]
Old Avril or New Avril? They are both awesome, but ever wonder which is most like you?……
Saratheamaze's Recent Posts
"Ill be singing the psalm on Thursday rip, which is a solo, which is scary because Ill be in front of over two hundred people. Rip"
"Any other ideas?"
"And decorations maybe? I'm tryna plan a party lmao"
"I asked the guy I'm actually going with Seriously why does it trigger you sm if I ask a guy"
"Nah bro he just legit hates me Girls ask guys all the time @ my school"
"But I asked one of my close friends as a date and he said yeah so yay!!"
"Lmao I asked my last option and he said no"
"I might ask someone after school today"
"Ew why"
"Fair enough yeah"
"I hope I get asked :(( otherwise I'ma go with one of my guy friends from the public school"
Saratheamaze's Recent Quiz Comments
"This isn't even the definition of homosexual. Homosexual is when you're attracted to the same gender as yourself."
1 -
1 -
"wow I was an idiot when I made this quiz XD "
1 -
""Say it, just say it. A werepire."
-Dean Winchester 2k15"1 -
"This is not genderfluid/bi gender/ tri gender friendly cx "
1 -
"Sorry guys I clicked the wrong one! I fixed it for future xD "
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"Fate hates me. Not surprising. Seems legit as its testing you on your fate XD"
1 -
"88 percent XD I didn't know a lot of the band questions..meh. I listen to weird music.."
1 -
"Can you make another quiz involving the four careers in the games? (Cato, Clove, Glimmer, Marvel) I've noticed all of these quizzes I've…"
1 -
"Good quiz!"