The Gifted Ones.
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:29pm
Thread Topic: The Gifted Ones.
"hm?" i look down and remember im still pinning her on the floor. "oh! yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!" i leap off her and roll onto my back. "what brings you here?"
Danny is now really confused. "You two know each other?"
Cassie dusted herself off as she stood. "Geez," she muttered to herself. She looked at Chara, "I'm mainly just travelling around now. There's a lot of weird stuff happening, so I think it's best to constantly move around it." She looked at the other guy who had just spoken. "We know each other, yes. I met him a while ago in a different town. We're not that familiar, we're just...friendly acquaintances."
i wander off into the lawn to paw at snowflakes, leaving danny and cassy to conversate amoungst themselves without me bothering them or something like that. i then see a butterfly fly over to the backyard. intrested, i follow it.
"Oh, I see. Well," Danny holds out his hand. "I'm Daniel Dragmire. But you may call me Danny."
"I'm Cassandra Ventin. You can call me Cassie," she replied, shaking his hand.
i hop over the fence gate and bat at it, until it suddenly dissolves into a black substance and wraps itself around my hand/sleeve. "eeeew! get it off get it off get it off!" i yell, running around in the back yard like crazy. "gross gross gross gross gross" i start scratching it on things, but nothing seems to work
"Nice to meet you Cassie." Danny turns around after hearing Chara yell. "What's wrong?" He yells, running over to him.
Cassie looked over at Chara when the black substance caught her eye. Her eyes narrowed as she instinctly grabbed one of her blade katars and ran forward, slashing at the black thing. It melted. "That thing...would've killed you."
i catch my breath. "what was that? what does it do? WHY WOULD IT WANT TO KILL ME?" i ask flailing around
"I'm wondering the same thing.."
Cassie answered the questions in order, "I don't know. It slowly pulls your life force away from you. Like I would know." She finished.
i pause. "wait... im a machine. does that still apply to me?the whole, life force drain thing?" curious, i think.
"That makes me curious." Danny notces the sun going down quickly. "How about we go inside, where it's well lit?" He pointed to his door.
Cassie shrugged, "A machine...? I'm not sure... But most things have a life force. Maybe... Since an electronic device can die, technically..." She trailed off. "Um, sure. Lets go inside then."
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