Alter tracker
Thread Topic: Alter tracker
Name: Aszerè (Aa-zer-ray)
Pronouns: He/him
Favorite color: Grey
Favorite music: Citizen Solider, I Prevail, Lo Spirit, and Linkin Park
Favorite song: Let Me Be Sad
Calm and introverted. I protect the body and process trauma. I'm a reoccurring fronter and hold the most knowledge regarding the system. I tend to retain information and memories better than the other alters. I also co-front often to keep the other alters in check. My job is solely to protect the body. I tend to be quiet and a bit melancholic but also thoughtful.
I have nothing more to share. -
I'm Harmony.
☆ You can use she/her/hers/herself or it/its/itself when referring to me. I don't have a preference of either! ☆
<3 Some things I like are: The color pink, drawing, hyperpop, plushies, and anything cute! <3
Some things I don't like are: Rude people, too much seriousness, politics, and racist/homophobic/sexist anything. No yucky stuff! -_-
*.°☆Other Stuffs☆°.*
Sometimes I have a short attention span, so if I just stop replying to messages, I probably forgot we were talking. ='-'= -
Name: Calypso
Pronouns: They/them
Nickname(s): Callie, (whatever is relevant to profile)
Music taste: Various genres
Favorite song: "Internet Overdose" (Needy Girl Overdose)
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite things: Gaming, cosplay, anime, drawing, cuttlefish
Not Favorite Things: Large crowds, loud things, ugly ass discriminators
Frequent Fronter
I'm a highly frequent fronter of the system (Zero Dark 30). Oftentimes, I'm the one people interact with unless otherwise stated. If you see someone using a miscellaneous profile, such as this one, chances are it's me. I don't have a specific one I use to identify myself. If you're ever uncertain, just ask. I usually co-front with Aszerè. -
Name: Makoto
Pronouns: He/him
Favorite color: Blue
Favorite Music: Videogame music
Favorite Song: It's Going Down Now (Persona 3 Reload)
Favorite clothing: Business casual/school
Alter Type: Fictive/Protector
Formation: Due to extreme stress/panic/danger
Kind, quiet, calm, thoughtful. Obsessed with music. Introverted. Intuitive and observant. Enjoys studying languages. Keeps calm under intense situations in order to protect the body from harm. -
Name: Aoi ♡
Pronouns: She/her
Favorite color: Yellow
Favorite music: Piano ballads
Favorite song: Pachelbel—Canon in D
Favorite clothing: Casual pencil dresses and skirts
Alter Type: Fictive/Protector
Gentle, sweet, quiet, protective, graceful; tries to keep a positive outlook on things no matter the situation. Not afraid to speak up when needed. Ambivert. Good at staying calm in stressful situations. -
Name: Onyx
Pronouns: Void/voids/voidself
Favorite colors: Gold and grey
Favorite music: Various types depending on mood
Favorite song: "Aiden" by National Affair
Favorite clothing: Nothing in particular
Alter Type: placeholder
I have no solid personality. I'm really just a placeholder when none of the more developed alters are fronting. I'm here for the sake of someone being present. I'm usually here under high stress and triggering events just to manage. I'm often devoid of feelings and opinions. I don't have too many specific likes or dislikes. I'm not as developed as the other alters. -
Yo, I'm Zero. I'm a relaxed alter. I just chill, really. Not sure what makes me front but I'm here lol. My I love the color green, my favorite music is jazz, and I don't really have a favorite song. I just vibe with the music. I guess maybe I'm just here to make the body relax. Idk. Whatever reason, it saw fit for me to be here. Anyways, I'm kinda outgoing. I like company. If you see me around, I don't mind talking to some extent. If you're annoying, just don't, man. My favorite clothing? I like accessories like necklaces and bracelets, and I like jeans, jackets, and vests, but sometimes I like turtlenecks. Just depends, really. By the way, I use he/him and it/its for my pronouns. Feel free to say hi.
My name is Wysteria. I'm a trauma holder for the body. I process and deal with anxiety as well. I am full of anxiety, myself, very introverted, quiet, and a little melancholic. My pronouns are she/her. I resonate with quiet music and binaural beats. My favorite song is an acoustic guitar cover of "Endless Possibility" by Emi Jones. My favorite colors are deep violet and dark indigo. Please feel free to talk to me if you want to. I promise I'm very gentle.
Name: Heaven
Pronouns: She/her
Role: Placeholder/caretaker
Favorite music: I have no preference. I like all kinds of music
Favorite song: None as of yet
Favorite color: Beige
I'm calm, sometimes deep in thought, and gentle. I'm a little quiet but also enjoy company to an extent. I'm a more lighthearted placeholder like Onyx. I'm here to help manage when multiple alters try to front, or when no one else wants to. I enjoy peaceful activities surrounding arts. I also enjoy an occasional cup of tea and reading manga. Not only do I care for the body, but I also hold my concerns for others. I try to make sure the body eats and takes care of itself. Things do get me down sometimes, but I'm usually able to recover with some time. -
Name: Mouse/Quiet (I will have another profile named Mouse)
Pronouns: She/squeak
Role: Placeholder/fragment(?)
Favorite Music: None
Favorite Song: None
Favorite color: Grey/powder pink
Often nonverbal and a deep-thinkinker. Sometimes scatterbrained. Will communicate through gestures and writing. Processes information and fronts when other alters are busy/tired. Has a neutral mood unless otherwise influenced by external sources. Often fronts during work hours or highly social situations. Likes include sleeping, silence, and ASMR. -
I'm Ame.
My pronouns, right? They're she/her
I'm a fictive formed from (I'd rather not say, but for purposes of logging so that we remember later on) extreme distress and mental spiral.
My favorite kind of music is 8 bit/chiptune
My favorite song is "All Angels Break Down"
My favorite colors are Black and Blood Red
I'm a bit of a mess. I can be all over the place, spiraling and full of despair, but also silly and pretty alright at times. It really just depends on what's happening! I like shopping a lot. Some people say Ame is a shopaholic. I enjoy goth and lolita style clothing, and I love gaming and the internet. I'm often ranting about something or questioning my life choices! I'm good with company unless I'm not. I'm not the best at caring for the body. I tend to like junk, stay up late, and hardly ever clean, but that's why we have Aoi and Heaven to care for it. Given the body's nature of frequent despair and shifting mood, I'll probably be a frequent fronter. I'm also often triggered by anything related to Needy Girl Overdose. -
People call me Forgotten Entity, but I go by Eri for short. I'm not necessarily new, and I've fronted before. The body was just unaware it was me. I'm a very caring yet somber soul who is also emotional and sensitive. I tend to process depressing feelings, sadness, and handle these situations in a calm and non destructive manner, unlike Ame, who may spiral and ultimately harm the body. I protect the body from harm as I process these feelings and thoughts. I can be very kind if you give me the chance, and I will entertain with light conversation if company presents itself. My favorite colors are white and light blue. I imagine myself as an angel with a broken wing. I don't know why. I just resonate with that image. I don't have a favorite song or favorite type of music yet. I prefer entity/entitys/entself, but I guess you can also use she/her since I'm a feminine presence.
________~♡~Angel~♡~________Name: Angel
Pronouns: They/them
Favorite color: White
Favorite music: None
Favorite song: None
Likes: Angel/cute/pastel aesthetics, friends, white noise, asmr
Alter Type: Frequent fronter/fragment
______~♡~About Me~♡~______
I don't have a solid personality because I'm a fragment influenced by several alters. I have some baseline of individual likes and interests, but more are added or removed based off of how many alters are attempting to front. There is a question of whether or not I'll develop into a separate alter since I do have individuality in some areas such as emotion and mannerisms, but for now, I am still considered a fragment since I'm still developing.
_______~♡~The End~♡~_______ -
Name: Serris
Pronouns: she/they
Favorite colors: Blue, yellow, and raspberry
Favorite Song: Sector 1 (Metroid Fusion)
Favorite Music: Atmospheric
Alter Type: Fragment Interject
*I latched on by obsessions..*
Quiet, insightful, usually focused, but a little scatterbrained sometimes. I tend to hyperfocus on things. I enjoy things related to suspense and a slight feeling of horror. I'm obsessed with Metroid and am loosely related to it. I like collecting things and tend to get excited about things I obsess over. I'm also a split from Calypso. I think of myself as a chaotic neutral, maybe. I'm not that chaotic, though I do have my own motives sometimes.
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