Forgotten Entity's Profile
Forgotten Entity
Joined on May 26, 2020
Status Level: Advanced
Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
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Forgotten Entity's Recent Posts
"Frwench Fwy gang"
"I feel gross..."
"I feel lonely..."
"I feel dead."
"Nobody even cares."
"Everything feels so monotonous."
"And i can't take more meds until after dinner..."
"I don't know. When I think about being around anyone, I get anxious. It's easier to just be here..."
"I appreciate it. Rping is helping a bit, though."
"Personal circumstances we don't share here."
"I'm really upset over all of it..."
"I'm so stressed now... All I can do is go to bed and hope it works out..."
" I've been eating so much, lately. Even at dinner, the amount I ate the other night was beyond me. I feel like I ..."
"They never care unless it happens to them.. And the ones who never experience it are conceited most of the time, or they try to copy it ..."
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