This is Heph
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:15pm
Thread Topic: This is Heph
I'm just a weirdo. I tried to have a normal convo with two girls at church today, but it ended up with them running out of the room from me.
I ate my blood frosting cake alone, crying. Because I'm a fukin wierdo who can't attract any friends except druggies, anime freaks, and the nerds.(In real life)
I just feel stupid. Why the hell do I even try to be normal? I was so happy about my birthday coming up and everything, and now I'm sobbing.
Ignore me if you did i even post this for.. -
X hugs heph X
*friggen huggles hephy*
It's kinda stupid, but sometimes I wish just to be able to fit in. Not for people to talk to me like I'm an idiot. I'm sick of being the one always made fun of, always beat up emotionally, and always put down.
*hugs everyone and sniffles* -
*super epic death huggles so hard you won't eat for a week*
Tara Renae Newbie*hugs* Heph, the people who are mean to you don't know what they're missing. You are an amazing person and you don't need to worry about people like them.
nobody ever fits in heph.
i can personally tell you this..
my brother died right before my eyes. the machine that counted his heart beats suddenly turned off when i while i was in the room with him.
my best friend, the only 'normal' one i had, was raped and then killed.
i hang around with 'mental' people, abusive people, and just plain freaky people.
i'm bullied everyday, for the differences i have, may it be suffering from schizopernia, a skin infection that isn't contagious, but unpleasant, or just supposrting homosexual, which pretty much no one does.
but i will tell you this.
life will get better. not overnight, but someday. you will have to be brave and take life head on if that is going to happen.
and i know you can do it. -
*hugs Alice*
Thanks guys.... -
Awz, Heph... I'm sorry.
But I deal with it, and I sure do know my family does too. Thing is, a lot of people do not think about what they are doing... they don't consider that maybe giving a weird look or saying something they find it small, really does hurt someone else.
I can tell you that all those people who bully or are mean to people who aren't as "popular" will wonder why they're pregnant or on drugs in the next few years, or why the once-popular now is known as a tramp and has no friends. Just wait.
Just keep doing what you're doing, because I think you're doing fine. The people at your school now won't come anywhere NEAR to mattering in the next few years. -
*hugs* I don't know if I can say any thing that hasn't been said
LOL Roady xD
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