VegeKaka's Profile


Joined on Aug 2, 2010
Status Level: Hot Shot

Level-up Progress:
14-Year Club
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VegeKaka's Quizzes

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VegeKaka's Recent Posts

  • account deletion req
    "yo, i just wanted to see if the mods could delete this account or at least my account posts. emails directly to gtq don't seem to get anythi..."
  • makoharu
    "that's it. that's the all the thread needs. makoharu tokyo endgame strong."
  • Thank you all so much
    "For the past four years of being a member on this site, I've made so many friends who have helped me any and every time I asked for help. Th..."
  • The Demon. The Angel.
    "BLESS// Kurai is ruthless. He knows the pain is there and feels no remorse whatsoever as his hips began to move fast merciles"
  • Gay soap, anyone?
    "Yess please type some That's fine bby~"
  • Gay soap, anyone?
    "YES really omg yes you are."
  • whines
    "Thank you!! I'll reply in just a sec."
  • s---s out an entire bear
  • Gay soap, anyone?
    "whisper.... me"
  • s---s out an entire bear
    "not on a bear. not near a bear. not in a shape of a bear. an actual bear."
  • whines
    "PleaSE.... and thank"
  • whines
    "BEFORE I TOOK LIKE ETERNAL HIATUS... CRIES.. the one we had was so good I'm cry"
  • "I feel bad bc I was never even able to finish it ahhh ;___; TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR ALL THE GAY YOU SPREAD (I'"
  • "vege is just fine!"
  • whines
    "i want a big gay lewd soap/rp like if we can do makoharu that's fab im makoharu trash..... but otherwise I wanna do like....."

VegeKaka's Recent Quiz Comments
