kelbylover's Profile

Joined on Feb 7, 2011
Status Level: Novice
kelbylover's Quizzes
- would you fit in with my school[published: Mar 25, 2011, 7 comments]
there are alot of kids at my school, could you fit in and be one of the many yellow jackets.……
- would i date you[published: Feb 24, 2011, 6 comments]
see if you would be the perfect guy for me. i love to have a good time and just hang out. would i date you, the……
- are you a true belieber[published: Feb 08, 2011, 4 comments]
there are alot of people that think they have the "bieber fever" when really it is just a cold.see if……
kelbylover's Recent Posts
"hey fufe whats up have i eva ta;lked to u before?"
"i ruined the spirt anyway whats up guys"
"i think tima is cheating on me! :( she said she had a crush on someone... what should i do?"
"yay * walks around dancing looking for someone to talk to* PARTY PARTY, but im sad :*("
"WHAT????? this can not be happening"
"FBI *slams through door* oh im just kelby may i join ur party?"
"GABE dont diss my bro jkjk no but he is cool"
"i wan to go i love jb more ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i winn"
"no i wanna win i love jb the most ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i winn"
"no if its cocert tickets i want them"
"yay im winning ahahahahhhahah wait what am i trying to win? just bieber concert tickets?"
"hey gabe whats up how r u?"
"i roll up i roll up ahahahah love that song"
"yea i do, alot then i had to move here and i will never see her again"
kelbylover's Recent Quiz Comments
"my boyfriend is a girl and there where no opions for girls but they said we should be together and we already have been for like 4 days her…"
1 -
"it said hes not but i already no he is>"
1 -
"blue wow blues my fav color"
1 -
"one time new it ahahahaha"
1 -
"i got hoti love that song yay"
1 -
"wow she got it rite 13-15 and im 14 yay "
1 -
"ahahaha thanx guys for taking my quiz"
1 -
"i kinda didnt like that quiz no point it needs more questions"
1 -
"i dont even no that song blood on the floor wtf"
1 -
"wow that was kindas hard"