Tara Renae's Profile


Tara Renae
Joined on Feb 21, 2011
Status Level: Advanced

Level-up Progress:
14-Year Club
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Tara Renae's Quizzes

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Tara Renae's Recent Posts

  • "Aww :( well nice to meet you Alex. I guess most people got older and quit coming on here."
  • "Do Ting, Sha, Gabriel, Sick, Ellis or anyone from around 2011-2012 still get on here?"
  • Do I know you?
    "I remember you Kish. I had an old account Tara Love too. It's been literally years since I've been on here though."
  • Just Wondering...
    "It's cool lol. If you don't like me then you just don't. Anyways, do you know if Ana, Ting, Gabriel, Sha, Sick or any of my "
  • Just Wondering...
    "I honestly don't care that much to be honest with ya. But whatever, I'm Tara and I'm pretty bummed, because no one at all fr"
  • Just Wondering...
    "Guess not. I'll just go back into ignoring this website for many months again "
  • Just Wondering...
    "Do any of my old friends get on here anymore? I haven't been on here in a long while."
  • "Aww, I'm sorry sick :( Haha, I miss talking to you :/"
  • "Paranoid: Moderate Schizoid: Moderate Schizotypal: Moderate Antisocial: High Borderline: Moderate Histrio"
  • "I agree too."
  • "I can be mean natured. Like, I could call out every single person's flaws on here and not think twice about it. But still being nice doesn't..."
  • Obama or Romney?
    "I could say something so racist right now. But I'll keep my mouth shut. I'd pick Romney over Obama, because I'd like to see some change. But..."
  • Where you people from?
    "Kentucky :/"
  • "I've never felt pain from just simply being nice. Unless it's forced niceness. Even then tho, it was still painless. Maybe it's just a tempo..."
  • "I don't see how internet dating really gets anywhere. Like, I could never really take it seriously. I need phsyical contact to feel loved an..."

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