Have you heard of the orange man?
Thread Topic: Have you heard of the orange man?
in western countries*
^^well.. he is trying to change the facts he cant run again.
'I'm going to help you economically"
*starts trading war the millisecond he gets in office* -
i read something really interesting that describes how a sudden influx of new policies/information all at once can easily make us overstimulated and not want to pay attention anymore. or often times, we just get frustrated trying to understand each policy thoroughly all at the same time. that’s what they want is well, brainrot and complacency
but we americans have the constitutional right to protest. i don’t think now is the time to take anything on the chin when it comes to the issues you care about
if you believe you can safely do so of course
Just a video making fun of Trump being dumb -
I made a post on Quizini letting anyone on their know I am in their corner if they're being targeted by Trump and his policies and so far I've had:
- Someone tell me that E. Jean Carroll (the woman he raped) was a pr0stitute and that's why it happened (This was a major "wtf is wrong with you")
- Someone downplaying queerphobia to opinions instead of bigotry (I also went "wtf is wrong with you" but more or less just annoyed)
so yeah that's going just... great. -
Here's smth about what he's doing/done and ppl who are against it
No matter who someone is, no matter their beliefs, hair color, race, eyes, gender, sexuality, that doesn't have anything to do with what he did. it is never the victims fault for anything but societies fault for normalizing this behavior and not taking action against it. the fact that people want it to stop, but not enough action is being taken is wild to me especially because they chose TRUMP. long story short, the victim never did anything to deserve it.
Exactly. Victim blaming is never okay.
what kind of place did you grow up in if you truly believe its the victims fault what the sigma that has 0 sense.
The kind that blamed the victim, I would imagine?
It's easy to victim blame when you are also being blamed for being hurt or gaslit into thinking what happened to u isn't that bad. I'm not gonna make it too personal, and I still firmly do not think victim blaming is okay, but i do know there are situations that can make victim blaming more likely in yourself.
THE VICTIM IS STILL A VICTIM NO MATTER WHAT. Sometimes, some people need to be reminded that it doesn't need to be the absolute most horrible, terrified, gruesome thing on the planet to be trauma (which is common thinking with beings who were gaslit by parents/guardians, other family, friends, or other loved ones) -
But in the case of Trump? Yeah, no, the sh--- he did was the most vile, selfish, cruel, and inexcusable thing you could do to someone and ITS BEING EXCUSED. It's absolutely f---ing disgusting.
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