Have you heard of the orange man?
Thread Topic: Have you heard of the orange man?
I may have different views abt ab0rti0n, but I believe everybody has the right to make a decision. A 13 year old girl who was graped will die if she has the baby, so it should be up to her to have an option that isn't death.
you don't have to be a racist, sexist, transphobe, or overall bigot to be a republican, but you have to put up and encourage bigoted people in order to be a republican, so....
Also INCREDIBLY hot take, and not all woman would do this obvi, but if a woman really wants an abortion that bad, she'll find a way whether it's safe for her or not, and that could end up f---ing both her life and potentially the babies life if her non medical attempts fail
exactly. so its either provide these safer abortions or people will attempt to do it themselves, which can kill them
I cant post links so search>> did the mormon church just SSELLOUT to the left? by Jason Whitlock. like how dumb do you have to be who the f--- is 'the establishment'
Immediately following Trump coming into office and his entire speech about how there’s only two genders, my state all the way here in Australia banned gender affirming care for minors. Coincidence? Probably not
He said gender is assigned at CONCEPTION. When the child-carrier gets PREGNANT. That makes everyone female lmao
I've heard arguments like that about guns. If they can't get it legally, they'll just get them illegally. I dunno why they don't apply the same logic to abortions but whatever.
Being pro-choice just means "it's up to the child-carrier if they want it or not". Not being pro-abortion. Just PRO-CHOICE. -
And sorry if I sound a lil heated over this, but I'm tired of the argument that "if men could get pregnant this wouldn't be an issue"
Not all women give birth and there are men who do. Intersex and trans men are still men! Let's not forget this- -
I dunno how the Conservatives can be that overall dumb? How does the lack of connection or idea of how reality actually is not work in their brains I don't understand-
Listening to our teachers complain about people telling the truth about Trump online is so funny actually lmao
real to all this
I all also believe there's a certain point that its okay. if the fetus is eight or nine months old, I think its just something you shouldn't do because one the fetus is practically a baby and two why didn't you get on even earlier why did you wait that long if you were going to have one but that's just my views, stay entitled to yours.
and like the government can say there's only one gender all they want but people will never follow along with it. they''ll still identify the way they do, even if it's isn't governmently recognised. -
every republican tweaking because of what eon musk did:
Yall trump is actually so dumb he tried blaming the plane crash on Biden for his policies how does that even relate to this situation?
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