Have you heard of the orange man?
Thread Topic: Have you heard of the orange man?
can we edit that onto an online copy of divorce papers
"divorce selfie" meme perhaps? XD
dang it I can't find a good pic lol
I'm cooking chat its coming along
idk how to share it but I put Putin in there too for no reason at all.
Wait, can I repost that on my Twitter?!
Ofc, just cut my name out lol
bro has been convicted of 34 felonies, has 25 r#pe allegations and has broken atleast 3 laws since he's been in office.
He should be arrested right now for life but noooo the Republicans don't actually care about women (which is telling, since their argument against trans people in spaces for their gender is "what about women" as if forcing trans men into women's spaces will help)
They care about control. That's all the want, is control. They don't care about women or fetuses or trans people or black people, they only care about controlling other people and that's all they've cared about.
^ yes, and if it's true what i'm hearing about a proposed bill making abortion punishable with the death penalty in south carolina... i feel genuinely terrified for those who would be affected there
like... there's no choice in that at all. either you choose to have this baby, you go to jail for the rest of your life, or you die. that's it. HOW IS THIS EVEN A SUGGESTION
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