Yes, there are a lot of soaps.
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: Yes, there are a lot of soaps.
NeverSayNever Novice( gtg bye)
tori109 Novice(im back!)
I knock on her door, she knows me but I have a threat on her head... -
tori109 Novice(hello?)
Valentine heard a knock at her door, and scowled. Reaching back over her shoulder, she turned the dial on the stereo up to the point where the table beneath it shook. Yes, she would be deaf by thirty. But at least it was a good song.
tori109 Novice"When are you gonna learn to urn down the stereo?"
I tell her "I have news.." -
He followed inside, hands on his ears.
Valentine tried to ignore her at first, hiding the agitation that always peeked when this girl was around. "What now?" she growled, turning the dial back down a bit, and glaring up at her.
tori109 Novice"the government knows your here, and if you don't help us, its the death penalty on you"
(Okie, now I'm confuzzled. What position exactly are we in?)
tori109 Novice( I dont know either! Lets start over,pleazmake it clear what we are doing)
(We don't need to start over... I just need to know what your peoples are to mine.)
tori109 Novice(we good, you evil)
(So then... wouldn't I just kill you? I don't really get it.. My fail. >.
tori109 Novice( I have he threat of you getting caught by he popo :-) if you kill me you wind up dead..)
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