Anastasia's Profile

Joined on Jun 11, 2009
Status Level: Hot Shot
Anastasia's Quizzes
- How much of a turtle are you?[published: Feb 26, 2014, 4 comments]
Have you ever wanted to know just how much of a turtle person you are? Has this question been……
- How Did You Die In a Past Life?[published: Sep 15, 2010, 119 comments]
There are many ways you can die. It could be by your own will, against your will, completely……
- How Stereotypical American Are YOU?[published: Sep 09, 2010, 18 comments]
Welcome to my quiz about the United States of America! I guess some of it is stereotypical……
- Rock, Paper, or Scissors?[published: Jun 20, 2010, 29 comments]
You probably know the game "Rock, Paper, Scissors". But have you ever thought which one of those you……
- How Well Do You Know Flyleaf's Lyrics?[published: Mar 10, 2010, 3 comments]
Hello and welcome to my quiz which will test your knowledge of Flyleaf's song lyrics.……
- What Would Your Emo Name Be?[published: Feb 05, 2010, 84 comments]
Hey this quiz is for BOTH GUYS AND GIRLS. I have two names of the same letter on each possible……
- What Natalie Merchant Song R U?[published: Aug 15, 2009, 2 comments]
If you know Natalie Merchant's music you'll probably be familiar with these songs. Your result……
Anastasia's Recent Posts
"No problem :3 I think Dragon was posting Isaiah 53 in English to give us more context."
"Hi! I think you raise some interesting points. I just wanted to respond to a few based on some things I know about the Bible. T"
"Real biblical Christianity is falling in love with God. It's trusting Him. It's knowing Him personally through the words He has spoken. It's..."
"Honestly, what could have caused some nobodies in Rome to burn to death as candles for a psychotic emperor like Nero? Why would"
"Thanks, dragonsfire! :) Okay, no problem. There's a youtube channel I follow from Israel. I thought this video was interesting."
"Brokenwood Mysteries"
"Hacksaw Ridge"
"Defiance Turner and Hooch Paul, Apostle of Christ"
"Miqedem :D"
"Good news for the hopeless"
"Hi, I've always been interested in and love the Jewish culture and people. It's part of what motivated me to read the Bible for myself...."
"I haven't been so much into rap, but I kept hearing people bring up NF. Well, I looked him up. Blown away. The Search and Therapy Session ar..."
"I hadn't heard of it before but just looked it up. I love that Americana folk sound. :3 It's nice."
"Honestly I think it's a lot like mine when I was an agnostic. I would say that everyone has to come to terms with the fact that"
Anastasia's Recent Quiz Comments
"The only One who can save us is Jesus Christ. Whatever you're going through, the only way you'll heal and live is by confessing you're a…"
1 -
"Hurray for friendship~"
1 -
"Both "Boston" and "the West" were at 88%. Wow. xD Never thought I had a Boston accent but maybe I've picked it up a bit."
1 -
"That was deep. I've never had anyone super close to me die, really. I have peace about death, largely because of my beliefs, but I guess…"
1 -
"90% woohoo"
1 -
"Aww, I got 89%. :D
*cuddle*"1 -
"Thanks. :3 You're cool too, gurl."
1 -
"I never realized how much I was like her before, heh. x3"
1 -
"44% lel :P"
1 -
"100% lel :P"