What American accent do you have? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What American accent do you have?
C ancer:is what you will get tomorrow if you don't post ....this to 6 other quizzes.
U rinal: problems is what you'll get the day after if ....you don't send this post to 6 other quizzes.
N umber 3:this is soo freaky!
T erminal:is what you will be if you dont copy this ....word for word on 6 other quizzes.
Honestly guys, this is the same thing as spam.
Becka1 -
Seriously I'm from the middle. :(
Nice quiz. It is really good. You were right I am from the south with my southern accent.
Both "Boston" and "the West" were at 88%. Wow. xD Never thought I had a Boston accent but maybe I've picked it up a bit.
Im from Brooklyn tho...taliyah1 -
I am not even American!:(Would be nice if i was from south Ohio,though....
I'm more from the northwest, I live in USA, Virginia
In the Midwest, the question is how do you pronounce the "pond". Does it sound like "on" or "dawn".
Momof31 -
Worked for me. It said i'm from the west, but not california, I live in Utah. Can't be more accurate than than
Right on, for me. I was born in Cleveland but have lived in the South most of my life. I came up Inland North!
It said i had an Inland North accent, when i was born and raised in the Deep South
Atomsk1 -
I'm Scottish .. but apparently I have a Boston accent
Born and raised, Long Island, New York...still here..The quiz says 97% Southerner. Too funny
Born and raised Southern. Have tried to lose some of it over the years but guess I still have it.
CBT1 -
I'm 88% from the midwest...NOT! Born and raised 59 years in California. What's with that?
Coll1 -
I'm 88% from the midwest...NOT! Born and raised 59 years in California. What's with that?
Coll1 -
Pittsburgher here, but lived in a multitude of places... the only thing correct is we call it pop!
mamak691 -
Nailed me. Said from The Northeast and I was born, bred, and raised in NYC and live here to this day. Good job.
Mike1NY1 -
I'm not from the northeast, I'm a born and raised Texan.
candyk1 -
Well it does say "American" accent right?! So if you're from somewhere OTHER THAN America...ummm, how is it wrong?!
dani12001 -
Please don't ready this you will get kissed on the nearest Friday by the love of your life however if you don't post this to at least 3 other quizzes you will die between 2 days.now uv started reading so done stop this is so scary.Send this to over 5 quizzes in the next 143 minutes. When your done press F6 and your crushes name will appear on the screen in big letters.This is so scary cuz it actually works!
Why does this keep classifying New Yorkers as Inland North? I guess we tawk normal like. ;-)
midland accent but I am from St. Louis so I'm not surprised
86% north central... people probably mistake you for a Canadian. This is hilarious because I am Canadian!! xD