How much of a turtle are you?

Have you ever wanted to know just how much of a turtle person you are? Has this question been gnawing at you and keeping you up at night? Have you been in such desperate need for this quiz that you have forgotten to feed your children, go to work, love your spouse, and take a shower? Well then, you probably have more issues than what I can help you with today, but there's still good news! :D
This quiz has been made to answer this very question. Interest in turtles has occurred on this earth ever since turtles have existed. We sometimes wonder how much of an effect these creatures have in our lives, but thanks to the development of recent technology and heavily funded government research, this question can finally be answered! Of course, it's going to cost you.....a few moments of your time! :D Now stop reading this rubbish and take the bloody quiz.
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