Lana? Euh, Sorry for most likely burdening you.
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: Lana? Euh, Sorry for most likely burdening you.
"Yes, What is it, Kaden?" -
Dude. If you do so much as ponder leaving this place... Just don't, okay? D:
"Could you... Could you pray with me? I know it sounds silly but..." His voice trailed off. -
:P How fast can you get here to stop me?
"Of course.... Of course I will..." -
I'm broke and I have no driver's licence. I couldn't get there in time. But I sure as hell would die inside. ;^;
He reached out and took the other's hands in his, shutting his eyes. "Dear Lord..." -
I shut my own I eyes, repeating his words. -
But if you ever did decide to leave, would you at least give me your email or something? D:
"Thank you for all of the blessings you have given us. Protect those at battle within this world. Show them the right pathway as they battle for what they deem righteous. Heal the broken, wounded souls... Please guide them into the light, where they can forever be protected in your loving embrace. Amen." -
I can give it to you right now :P
"Amen." -
:D Please do~! Mine is the following:
lana kiwi @ (No spaces, 'cause apparently this site STILL doesn't allow emails. .3.)
I took a deep breath before opening my eyes. -
Ozze zig @
"You alright there, now?" -
Email sent. Be forewarned: not nearly as long as they usually are.
I nodded, smiling lightly. "I'm good." -
"That's great." I hugged him once more and sat back in my own metal chair. -
The smile lingered on my lips as I shut my eyes. I was now subject to sleep.
>.> Gmail is a b----. You think you can send that to meh other email? ozzesband1970 @ >:D AWESOME NAMENESS.
Just then, a doctor stumbled in the room. -
Sure. ^^
My eyes flickered open, my gaze shifting towards the door. "Hmm?" -
"You need to get out of here," He spoke in a angry tone. "The USSR is 5 miles away."
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