Lana? Euh, Sorry for most likely burdening you.
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: Lana? Euh, Sorry for most likely burdening you.
How does one go about typing a German accent? .3.
"I think I've got it..." I scowled at the page. "Should I try it out?" -
Eh. "One goes about typing in ze German accent by, say, vhen ze opportunity arrises, replacing ze W's vith V's Und instead of ze vord and, say Und. Also, ze Germans don't say god, but radzer gott. Und also, th becomes eizer dz or se, v becomes f, Und also, t becomes d. Example: Dzese are fery good. Dzey entertain. But ze derrific horror from ze England are fine."
"Yes." -
"Ze vorld is fery fiolend recendly. Ze var is fery horrible, yes?" I cringed. It sounded so fake.
I smiled. "You got it. But vhen zeres an a, make it sound like Das an e."
"Dzis is difficult..." I scowled.
LOLWHUT. I have no idea what he said about as.xD -
" when there's an a, make it sound like that's an e." Meaning in Germany, Germans make E's sound like an a and e mixture.
"Dis ish difficult? Be glad vere not in Russia." -
"Em I ellowed do spaek normelly now?"
XD That was a fail. I'm lazy. -
"Ja," I replied.
"That'll take some getting used to, I'm afraid," I sighed.
"It's better than being executioned." I put the plane on autopilot and went in the back with Kaden.
"Definitely." I sat up, smiling as he walked back towards me. "Will we have to change our names? If we do, I call Adolf." I giggled a bit.
I giggled back. "I call Fegelein."
gtg soon.
D: D'aw.
"Fegelein and Adolf. The invincible pair." I smirked.
"Only, in the real version of history, you shoot me and then commit suicide."
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