Lana? Euh, Sorry for most likely burdening you.
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: Lana? Euh, Sorry for most likely burdening you.
I stood still, watching the man.
"Trenzfar?" he asked with a heavy German accent. "Vhere from?" -
"Austria. Ve're an Ally."
The man nodded. "Fery good."He pushed some more buttons. "Names?"
I swallowed. "Otto Gunsche XIV."
I gulped, trying to conjure up a believable name.
"And zis is Adolf. Named afder one of his great great etc Grandfathers."
I nodded. "Da, zat is me."
The man glanced at him. No, no not da! We're not Russian!
xD So you caught it.
I noticed the man looking at me strangely. -
He looked back at his papers. "Head down ze hallway on the left, turn right, Zsird door on ze left."
I stood at attention. "Heil!" -
*I saluted and stood at attention.
I gave a curt nod and did the same as Ace. "Heil."
Then I pulled him down the hallway, not caring whether he was hurt.
Searing pain ran through me where Ace pulled not so gently. I tried to suppress a wince, knowing that no admittance offices accepted weakness.
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