We'll watch the stars burn tonight...
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: We'll watch the stars burn tonight...
I was slowly catching up to the person on the black horse.
(hey :))
I carefully looked back and saw a rider.....hopefully it wasnt following me... -
I made Runner go faster. I wanted to know where the rider had gotten such a beautiful horse.
i then noticed that the rider WAS following me....not good....it better not be the law...i rode away dissapearing into the desert to the next town
I lost track of the rider. I was running low on fold pod and water, so I stopped in the next nearest town to get supplies.
i rode in the alley and went to find the man from the rumors....
I rode into the town square. I picked up some apples, pears, carrots, and a few canteens filled with water. I went beside an alley and ate a pear while feeding Runner carrots.
some people pass you and talks about the gold rumor and that the man who owns the map lives in this town
After I ate my apple, I sat there and observed the townsfolk. They were busy and bustling, and I heard them talking about the gold I was on a mission to find. A few weeks ago I had stolen the map from the old man.
i ran to the man which surprised me.....he told me the story about the gold "Holy frijoles! they do exist..." i say after the man is done "But Senorita Esmeralda....the map has been stolen" "By who?" i ask "A girl by the name of Jazmin....she rides a brown mustang..." "Where can i find this Jazmin?" i ask "I cannot tell you for i do not know...but she might be on her way to the mountians right now!" with that i walked out "Gracias Senor!" and i head for the alley
I got up and decided to head out. I got the bags situated on Runner's back.
i came to the alley and vlimbed on Midnight i then saw horse tracks....i checked them and they were only 10 minutes old......"hmmmm" i say thinking....i then rode out of town
I rode on Runner for a few hours. I then stopped to make camp.
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