We'll watch the stars burn tonight...
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: We'll watch the stars burn tonight...
Are they going to be friends or do they meet each other along the way?
name: Midnight
looks: -
hmmmmm..............meet along the way :D
My horse
Name: Runner
Looks: all brown mustang -
sweet horse!
Okay! :)
I finished packing my bag and went out to the stables to get Runner.
i secretly enter a city at sunset then i climb up a building to see where to go from there
I got into the stables. "You ready, Runner? We sure do have an adventure for us, don't we?" I rubbed his nose and fed him a carrot.
i climb down leaves Midnight in the alley he never wanders off i enter a small bar "Uno aqua por favor" i say (in translation "One water please") i hand the bartender a coin "Que estas haciendo aqui Esmeralda?" he asks(translation: What are you doing here Esmeralda?) I drink my water "I am only looking for a small prize....perhaps you men can give me a simple score?" i ask
I laid my bags on Runner then jumped on his back. "It's time to go get our life back, Runner." I rubbed his neck then led him out of the stables.
"How many times to we have to tell you to stay out of a man's business senorita?" says the bartender everyone laughs "There is nothing here for you....now get out while you still can...or there will be some damage" men began to get up and walk towards me....i pull out my sword and scars one of them and everything goes silent
(you there?)
Runner trots down the street. I hear a horse and look in the alley. There is a black horse standing there. I get off and lead Runner over. "Well, aren't you a black beauty?" I rub the horses nose and feed it a carrot.
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